Cynthia Coredo M.


Tell us about yourself:

I am Cynthia Coredo M. from Kenya and I am working for CYFund Africa. Through my work in providing resources, knowledge and skills, I inspire girls and young women to be green changemakers in their society as they champion in the frontline for environmental awareness.

What did you do with the JWH grant?

JWH grant enabled me to participate in various international conferences where I learned from other change makers and organisations in the environmental space; and to take on short courses related to environment and social justice.

What has the leadership development program brought you?

I was able to acquire new skills and networks and I generated new connections for peer to peer continuous  learning and building the girls and women programs on understanding conservation at the local level.

What is your dream?

My dream is to keep inspiring girls and young women as social change agents, front lining sustainable development within their communities.

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