
Who can apply

We focus on young people who work or are affiliated with environmental CSOs in developing countries and emerging economies who have shown potential for and interest in further developing their leadership. Candidates can come from anywhere except from ‘advanced economies’ (see below for list based on the IMF classification). We acknowledge the definition of ‘young’ is context-specific and therefore not set in stone. However, preference will be given to young people under 35 of age.

JWHI grantee image

We especially encourage the nomination of young women (in all their diversity) and local and rural community leaders.

Great candidates are:  

  • showing potential and ambition towards becoming a leader in her/his/their field of work.
  • working with or linked to local communities, community based organisations or civil society organizations.
  • fully embracing the idea of sustainable development, gender equality and climate justice.
  • having a strong background in and commitment to working on environmental and sustainable development issues.
  • showing potential and ambition to be innovative and creative.

The grant can be applied for a wide range of activities, depending on the individuals’ need and interest. Most grantees request funding for advancing either their knowledge, and skills through courses, training or expanding their experience through internships, exposure and exchange travels, participation in conferences, high level meetings etc. It is crucial the activities requested are exclusively for personal development and should not be part of a larger organisational project.

Individuals from these countries cannot participate:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States.

Meet our grantees

How to Apply

Nomination Process

We work with a nomination process: the participants do not apply themselves, but are nominated by another individual (read more about the responsibilities and credibility of the nominators below).

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One deadline per year

There is one deadline per year, which starts July 1st, 2024 and the application deadline is usually at te end of August. This year the deadline is August 29th, 2024. By this date and time the filled out nominating forms will have to be sent to us should the candidate be considered for this round. Nomination forms can be found on the website.

Selection Process

After the deadline the Selection Committee of the JWH Initiative will meet to select the most suitable candidates (we are currently reviewing the selection process). The nominators and candidates should notice that the selection process can take up to six weeks after the deadline.

Our small grants range from 1500 - 7000 euro, tailored to the needs of the grantee's leadership development plan.

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Leadership Development Plan

Should the candidate be selected to become a participant in the JWH he/she/they will be asked to develop a detailed leadership development plan, budget and timeframe. This will be part of the Memorandum of Understanding which subsequently will be signed by the participant, the nominator and the JWH Initiative. Furthermore the participant will agree to regular reporting and timekeeping in order to receive the full grant.


Can I nominate youth groups or multiple individuals at once?

No, we do not accept the nomination of groups and would advise nominators to only nominate one person. We support young individuals which we will be selecting on their personal merits.

Do you offer any training activities, courses or capacity building yourselves?

No, the leadership programs should be tailored to the specific needs of the candidate and should be identified by the candidate itself.

Can I nominate a JWH grantee for a second time, after being succesfully awarded in the past?

No, we are trying to provide other young environmental leaders a chance, so we do not accept a second nomination of a current or former JWH grantee. However, in the JWH grantee community we try and share other funding opportunities where and when opportune.

Who is qualified to serve as a nominator, and who should send the application?

As you can find in the Rules & Regulations, self-nomination is not allowed. A nominator - often a mentor, supervisor, colleague or professor - is someone traceable who can vouch for you and later on support you in your leadership development trajectory. The full application (nomination form, CV and photo) can either be shared by the candidate or by the nominator.

How do I know if my country is eligible for the grant?

We support young aspiring environmental leaders in the Global South at large.

Individuals with nationalities from these countries cannot participate: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the United States.

How do you define a young person, and can I apply beyond the age limit of 35 years old?

We acknowledge the definition of ‘young’ is context-specific and therefore not set in stone. However, strong preference will be given to young people under 35 of age, and we only support candidates that are slightly older (max 1 or 2 years) in exceptional cases. We reserve the right to make our own choices on this matter.

Do you provide support to projects, activities or initiatives other than individual support to young leaders? Do you partner with organisations?

No, the focus is on the personal development of young leaders, and therefore we are not able to provide support to type of requests. We do not partner with organisations and we strongly discourage you to write a request regarding this.

Apply for a grant

Our 2024 Call for Applications is now open!