Enzo Oscar Culasso Orué


Tell us about yourself: My name is Enzo Oscar Culasso Orué and I was born and still live in Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina. I am a lawyer from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, a member of the Argentinean Association of Environmental Lawyers and part of the Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia EcoSocial.

Furthermore, I am an activist in the Multisectorial por los Humedales de Paraná, a self-organised organisation, led mainly by young people, and part of the Ecological Liaison Unit of Fundación La Hendija, where through art, law and communication we seek to spread a message of care for our common home. I work to advance environmental democracy together with those who inhabit and defend the territories, in the light of the Escazú Agreement. I participate in various assemblies where I translate the environmental complexity from a rights perspective into simple, common words that can be widely understood.

My main motivation is based onthe vision of the rights of nature, understanding that we are a part of the fabric that makes life possible in a bond of interdependence. Being close to nature and to those who care for and defend it nourishes my spirituality and gives me a sense of life.

What did you do with the grant? With the support of the grant I am pursuing a specialisation in Environmental Law and Cultural Heritage Protection and it will also enable me to attend various meetings, both throughout the country and at official climate events.

What has the leadership development program brought you? JWH gave me the freedom to dedicate myself fully to activism and my professional training. Also, it is highly rewarding to be in contact with young people from other parts of the world who share the same passion for caring for life, to know that we are part of a network that nurtures a sense of belonging to Mother Earth.

What is your dream? I dream of new ways of being and existing, of a world where ecological and social justice are our guidance of how we treat each other. Where people can self-determine with freedom and equality, where we can all have access to healthy food and perceive the beauty that dwells in all that is alive. Where we feel part of nature and can abandon the selfish competitive instincts that are leading us to the point of no return.

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