Giselle Munno Dithurbide


Tell us about yourself: My name is Giselle. I am an environmental lawyer from Argentina and Responsible of Legal Affairs at the Argentinian NGO Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN). At FARN, I provide legal advice in cases related with mining, energy transition and water pollution and work in several legal activities, including the access to public information related to the environmental impact of non-conventional and off-shore oil and gas exploration and exploitation projects in Argentina.

Additionally, I lecture at the Legal Clinic in Environmental Law (FARN) and the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires and lead master-classes, mainly related to environmental damage and greenhouse gases emissions regulation.

I also communicate on behalf FARN about specific environmental issues such as open dumps, water and soil pollution and remark the importance of applying legal tools from the government such as environmental impact assessment in energy projects and I advocate on the implementation of the Escazú Agreement in Argentina, which is a pillar for reaching environmental and climate justice.

My motivation is to work for the accomplishment and improvement of environmental regulation and public policies that aim to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, protect the environment and develop better conditions for vulnerable communities.

What are you planning to do with the grant? I aim to develop a specialisation in Climate Change thought postgraduate studies orientated to this theme and deepen my knowledge in short-lived climate pollutants and methane emissions from the energy sector. I also plan to acquire more interdisciplinary and technical tools in order to improve my approach to environmental issues from a more integral and holistic perspective by studying courses related to water, air and soil pollution.  

Moreover, I plan to improve my English skills to communicate environmental issues in Argentina to international networks and inform how vulnerable communities and the environment are being affected regarding these issues. To this aim, I seek for taking English courses and an international English exam. Finally, I pursue to assist to international events regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation.

What do you hope the JWH grant will bring you? JWH will bring me the possibility to expand my network and exchange ideas regarding environmental protection measures at an international level. In addition to this, it will give me the chance to participate in events related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.  It is also an opportunity to Improve my English skills for networking and presentations at International panels and analyse environmental issues from a more integral and holistic perspective.  Lastly, it will allow me to develop an orientation in the climate change field and obtain specific knowledge related to short-live climate pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions.

What is your dream? My goal is to achieve positive changes in my home country focusing on regulation, education and public policies that will impact in a good manner on the environment and vulnerable communities affected by environmental issues. I strongly believe that thought this path we can build a more equitable and sustainable society for all of us.

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