Michelo Simweete


Meet Michelo, an ambitious environment activist from Zambia. He is currently working as a district coordinator for Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) Solwezi. Zambia Land Alliance-Solwezi is an NGO focusing on land policies and laws that take the interests of the rural poor and marginalized groups into account. They make sure that these groups gain equitable ownership, secure access, and control of the land. Michelo takes leadership on several projects. He supports these projects by monitoring, evaluating, and researching activities, supervising, and creating new strategic partnerships and alliances. He is very driven and skilled at advocating on both the local level and national level.

Michelo’s passion drives him to challenge himself and others continually. He is result-oriented and always takes organizational & environmental goals into account. Working together with him, he listens and thinks about each member. That’s why he is so successful in raising dialogues for climate change in youth communities. Besides that, he is active in promoting sustainable agriculture and is connected to two associations who work in this field (PELUM & ZAAB). Also, Michelo is aware of and contributes to climate change budget tracking. This tool shows how much money is allocated and used on climate change.

The goal of Michelo is to advance his knowledge about the environment, climate change, and natural resource management. He wants to apply the knowledge with his experiences in the field to engage more people. With the latest research & advocacy techniques, he will understand how policymakers work and reach more people like policymakers, community members, and district government officers. With the grant of JWHi, he is going for a Masters in Science and Environmental Management and secondly for training in Data Management. The Master program is perfectly suited for policy analysis lessons and how best to engage policymakers in making policies that protect the rural communities and the country at large. With data management training, he will be able to collect evidence-based research for advocacy-related environmental and natural resources issues.

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