Mohammed Kamel


Tell us about yourself:

Mohammed Kamel is a development practitioner from Ghana. He has over 10 years of expereince in biodiversity conservation, regenerative agriculture, climate change adaptation and food security. Mohammed Kamel's passion for conservation is driven by the increasing rate of biodiversity loss, climate change and how that impacts livelihoods and community ecosystems. Mohammed Kamel has demonstrated experience in advocacy and training related to identifying ecological and socioeconomic problems of communities whilst engaging duty bearers to address such problems through community’s own knowledge systems. He has trained thousands of smallholder farmers in regenerative agriculture, revival of traditional seed diversity and local food sovereignty as the most effective and ethical way to feed the growing population; and cope with climate change. He has contributed to enhancing community ecological governance and restoration through landscape restoration activities, community land use planning to reduce threats to loss of biological diversity.  

What did you do with the JWH grant?

Mohammed Kamel utilized the grant support to develop and strengthen research skills professionally. Research is central to addressing climate change and food security issues. In effect, the grant was used to undertake independent research with focus on climate change, biodiversity conservation, food security and or agriculture with professional guidance from the nominator (Mohammed Hardi Tijani) and a university lecturer; at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Consultancy Services (IIRaCs) of the University for Development Studies. A significant output for the independent research activity is a research publication. Significantly, this would contribute to knowledge and innovation on climate change, biodiversity conservation, and agriculture and food security within the context of sustainable development.

What has the leadership development program brought you?

The grant has improved my knowledge on research related to biodiversity issues, food security and agriculture. It is satisfying to note that I have contributed to knowledge related to food security and climate change.

What is your dream?

I am looking forward to a world where humans will respect and live in harmony with nature. A world where biodiversity is conserved for the needs of future generations.

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