Muhammad Al Amin


Meet an experienced young environmental leader working in the field for over ten years. Amin is an executive director of the Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI) South Sulawesi, also known as Friends of The Earth Indonesia. The organization WALHI is the oldest and largest environmental organization in Indonesia. In his position at WALHI South Sulawesi, he focuses mainly on advocacy for local communities and, more recently, on international advocacy with organizations like ULU Foundation and Both Ends.

In 2008 Amin started as a volunteer at WALHI South Sulawesi, dedicating himself and his work to saving and restoring the environment (forest, karst, lake, watershed, mangrove, coastal) in South Sulawesi. After ten years, he was elected as an executive director. A glimpse of his impressive successes, Amin moved the South Sulawesi parliament to issue regional regulations on the protection of the essential karst area. As well, he initiated & facilitated the Maros district government to issue a moratorium on mining permits. Above all, he, together with the infrastructure monitoring coalition, successfully influenced the World Bank to review its decision for financing NSUP projects in Indonesia.

Since his local advocacy is extraordinarily competent and admirable, it is clear that he wants to expand his advocacy internationally. That is why he used the JWHI-grant for improving his English capacity. By improving his English, he envisions taking part in international communications and advocacy projects with more diverse NGO networks. Ultimately, Amir will be able to internationally convey his message, views, thoughts, and aspirations on environment protection, human rights, and climate justice.

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