Sneha Rai


After graduating with a Masters in Environment and Natural Resources, Sneha joined the Prakriti Resources Centre, a Nepalese NGO focusing on climate change issues and disaster risk reduction. Here she has been involved in conducting research, facilitating meetings and workshops, running environmental education programmes, engaging school children and students and developing educational materials. Keenly aware that the impacts on women are often overlooked in conversations about climate change, she is eager to reverse this, recently engaging in research projects on the issue and in educating women in local communities about climate change resilience.

The JWHI helped Sneha develop the skills to advance the cause of women under threat from climate change through advocacy, by enabling her to attend the “Asia/ Pacific Regional Climate Change Advocacy Workshop” in Iloilo, Philippines. Here she learned about various advocacy approaches through presentations, videos, group work and other activities. She also hopes to conduct research on Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) and Climate Change Adaptation to underpin her advocacy efforts. She hopes that, with these skills, she can help to integrate gender concerns into climate change policy and promote the notion that climate change justice and gender justice go hand in hand.

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