Sofia Nemenmann


Tell us about yourself: My name is Sofia Nemenmann, and I reside in Patagonia, Argentina. I am the co-executive director of the Argentine Association of Environmental Lawyers and the Collective for Ecosocial Justice Action. Additionally, I am a documentary filmmaker and a nature enthusiast who enjoys hiking.

My activism journey is closely tied to the defense of rivers as entities with rights, stemming from my connection to the Santa Cruz River—the last river in Argentine Patagonia that flows freely without hydroelectric dams.

I primarily work on coordinating interdisciplinary projects that proactively address the polycrisis. I also contribute to communication campaigns advocating for territories affected by forest fires and the protection of free-flowing rivers.

Several motivations drive my commitment to this cause. Foremost among them is my awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of human and non-human lives. I find immense pleasure in connecting with a network of individuals passionate about nature through this shared struggle.

What are you planning to do with the grant? With support of the fellowship, I will start a Diploma in Communication for Civil Society Organizations and begin shooting my second audiovisual short film. Both projects are rooted in my commitment to enhance my communication skills for socio-environmental initiatives. I firmly believe that the audiovisual format has gained significant prominence in recent years, and expanding our outreach through compelling messages is crucial. In my country and globally, the environmental issue has not yet secured the attention it deserves on political agendas, given the severity of the polycrisis. I attribute this, in large part, to our current communication methods. My primary challenge and motivation is to raise awareness and reach a wider audience with this project.

What do you hope the JWH grant will bring you? I hope that this fellowship will provide me with knowledge, professional development opportunities and also a support network formed by other environmental leaders living in other regions of the world. I am very confident in the inspiration that comes from collective creation and I am particularly grateful for this significant contribution.

What is your dream for the future? I dream of new ways of inhabiting the earth, rooted in the fundamental understanding that as humans, we are but a small component of the nature we currently degrade. I am convinced that there is ample potential for the future, and our responsibility is to awaken our networks to collectively build a way of life that recognizes the interdependence we share with the ecosystems surrounding us. Along this journey, I dream of a life abundant with uplifting encounters, intimately connected to the Earth.

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